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Top 10 Horse Clippers for Effortless Body Clipping – A Comprehensive Buying Guide

Top 10 Horse Clippers for Effortless Body Clipping – A Comprehensive Buying Guide

Looking for the best horse clippers for body clipping? Check out our top picks for powerful, durable, and easy-to-use clippers that get the job done right.

If you're a horse owner, then you know how important it is to keep your equine's coat looking good. Body clipping is an essential part of horse grooming as it helps to maintain their coat and prevent excessive sweat buildup during the warmer months. However, finding the best horse clippers for body clipping can be a daunting task, especially if you're new to the world of horse grooming.

But don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at some of the best horse clippers for body clipping that are currently available in the market. We'll also be providing you with some tips on what to look for when buying clippers, as well as some maintenance tips to keep your clippers running smoothly and efficiently.

Firstly, let's talk about the importance of using the right clippers for body clipping. Using the wrong clippers can not only result in a poorly clipped horse, but it can also cause discomfort and pain for them. It's important to invest in a good quality pair of clippers that are specifically designed for body clipping horses.

One of the best horse clippers for body clipping is the Andis Super AGR+ Cordless Clipper. These clippers are known for their quiet operation, which makes them perfect for horses that are easily spooked. They also have a powerful motor that can easily handle thick coats, and the cordless feature allows for easy maneuverability.

Another great option is the Oster Golden A5 Two-Speed Animal Clipper. This clipper is known for its durability and reliability, making it a popular choice among horse owners. The two-speed feature allows for versatility when clipping different parts of the horse's body, and the detachable blade system makes it easy to clean and maintain.

For those who prefer a more affordable option, the Wahl KM10 Brushless Motor Clipper is a great choice. Despite its lower price point, these clippers are still powerful enough to handle thick coats and have a long-lasting battery life. The brushless motor also ensures quiet operation and minimal vibration, making it less stressful for your horse.

When buying clippers, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, consider the weight of the clippers as you'll be holding them for an extended period. It's also important to check the noise and vibration levels as this can cause distress to your horse. The blade size and type should also be considered, depending on the thickness and length of your horse's coat.

Maintenance is another critical aspect of owning clippers. Regularly cleaning and oiling the blades will ensure that they stay sharp and last longer. It's also essential to replace blades when they become dull or damaged, as this can cause discomfort and pain for your horse.

In conclusion, choosing the right horse clippers for body clipping is crucial for both the appearance and comfort of your equine. Whether you opt for the Andis Super AGR+, Oster Golden A5, or Wahl KM10, always remember to consider the weight, noise, and blade type when making your purchase. Proper maintenance is also necessary to ensure that your clippers last longer and perform at their best.


Horse clipping is a crucial aspect of horse care, especially during the winter months when the coat grows thick and long. The process involves using clippers to trim the hair on the horse's body to keep them healthy and comfortable. However, choosing the right clippers for body clipping can be challenging as there are many options available in the market. In this article, we will look at some of the best horse clippers for body clipping.

The Importance of Body Clipping

Body clipping is essential for several reasons. First, it helps prevent overheating during exercise by allowing the horse to cool down quickly. Second, it allows the horse to dry faster after sweating, which reduces the risk of catching a cold. Third, it makes grooming and maintaining the horse's coat easier. Lastly, body clipping gives the horse a neat and professional appearance, which is essential during competitions.

The Types of Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Electric Clippers

Electric clippers are the most common type of clippers used for body clipping. They come with a variety of blades that allow for different lengths of hair to be trimmed. Electric clippers are easy to use, efficient, and produce a clean cut. However, they can be noisy and heavy, which may cause discomfort to the horse.

Battery-Powered Clippers

Battery-powered clippers are similar to electric clippers but are powered by rechargeable batteries. They are less noisy and lighter, making them more comfortable to use. However, they may not be as powerful as electric clippers, and the battery life may limit the amount of clipping that can be done at once.

Manual Clippers

Manual clippers are hand-powered and are suitable for horses with thin coats or for touch-ups. They are affordable, quiet, and lightweight, making them ideal for nervous horses or those that are easily spooked by the noise of electric clippers. However, they may not be as efficient as electric or battery-powered clippers.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Blade Quality

The quality of the blade is crucial when choosing horse clippers for body clipping. A good blade should be sharp, durable, and easy to maintain. It should also be compatible with different types of clippers.

Noise Level

The noise level of the clippers is another factor to consider. Loud clippers can be uncomfortable for the horse and may cause stress, especially if they are not used to the sound. Quieter clippers are more comfortable for the horse and the person doing the clipping.


The weight of the clippers is also essential, especially if you plan on doing a lot of clipping. Heavy clippers can cause fatigue and discomfort, making the process more challenging. Lighter clippers are more comfortable to use and allow for more extended periods of clipping.


The price of the clippers is an important consideration, especially if you are on a budget. However, it is essential to balance the cost with the quality and efficiency of the clippers to ensure that you get value for your money.

The Best Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Clipper

The Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Clipper is one of the most popular and reliable clippers in the market. It is powerful, efficient, and durable, making it ideal for body clipping. It comes with a 2-speed motor that allows for faster clipping and a detachable blade system that makes it easy to maintain.

Andis Super 2-Speed Clipper

The Andis Super 2-Speed Clipper is another excellent option for body clipping. It is lightweight, quiet, and powerful, making it comfortable for the horse and the person doing the clipping. It also comes with a detachable blade system that makes it easy to maintain.

Wahl KM10 Brushless Clipper

The Wahl KM10 Brushless Clipper is a high-performance clipper that is designed for heavy-duty use. It is powerful, efficient, and quiet, making it ideal for body clipping. It also comes with a brushless motor that reduces heat and friction, extending the life of the clipper.

Heiniger Saphir Clipper

The Heiniger Saphir Clipper is a battery-powered clipper that is perfect for body clipping. It is lightweight, quiet, and efficient, making it comfortable for the horse and the person doing the clipping. It also comes with a detachable blade system that makes it easy to maintain.


Body clipping is an essential aspect of horse care that should not be overlooked. Choosing the right clippers for body clipping is crucial to ensure that the process is efficient, comfortable, and safe for both the horse and the person doing the clipping. The Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Clipper, Andis Super 2-Speed Clipper, Wahl KM10 Brushless Clipper, and Heiniger Saphir Clipper are some of the best horse clippers for body clipping that you can consider.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Horse Clipper for Body Clipping

Body clipping is an essential aspect of horse care, especially during winter. It involves trimming the horse's hair to make it easier to manage and prevent overheating during physical activity. However, achieving a perfect body clip requires the right tools, and horse clippers are at the top of the list.

Choosing the right horse clipper for body clipping is crucial to ensure that the task is done efficiently and without causing any harm to the horse. Poor quality clippers can cause uneven cuts, skin irritation, and damage to the coat. Therefore, investing in a reliable and high-quality horse clipper can save you time, money, and stress in the long run.

Understanding the Different Types of Horse Clippers Available in the Market

There are different types of horse clippers available in the market, each with specific features and advantages. Understanding the different types of clippers can help you choose the best one for your horse's needs.

Corded Horse Clippers

Corded horse clippers are designed to be plugged into an electrical outlet while in use. They offer consistent power supply, making them ideal for heavy-duty tasks like body clipping. Corded clippers are also more durable than their cordless counterparts and can handle thicker coats without overheating.

Cordless Horse Clippers

Cordless horse clippers are battery-powered and do not require a direct power source to operate. They are lightweight and portable, making them ideal for travel or outdoor use. Cordless clippers are also quieter than corded ones, reducing the risk of scaring the horse.

Pivot Motor Horse Clippers

Pivot motor horse clippers have a powerful motor and are designed to handle thick coats. They are versatile and can be used for both body clipping and trimming. Pivot motor clippers are also relatively quiet and produce less heat, making them ideal for sensitive horses.

Rotary Motor Horse Clippers

Rotary motor horse clippers have a high-speed motor and are designed for heavy-duty tasks. They can handle thick and matted coats with ease and are ideal for professional use. Rotary motor clippers are also durable and long-lasting, but they tend to be louder and produce more heat than other types of clippers.

Factors to Consider Before Purchasing a Horse Clipper for Body Clipping

Choosing the right horse clipper for body clipping requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some of the factors to consider:

Frequency of Use

If you plan to use your horse clipper frequently, it's essential to invest in a high-quality one that can withstand constant use. Heavy-duty corded clippers or rotary motor clippers are ideal for frequent use, while lighter cordless clippers are suitable for occasional use.

Horse Coat Type

The type of coat your horse has will determine the type of clipper you need. Thicker and coarser coats require more powerful clippers like pivot motor or rotary motor clippers, while lighter coats can be clipped with cordless or corded clippers.

Clipper Speed

The speed of the clipper is another important factor to consider. The higher the speed, the faster the clipper will cut through the coat. However, high-speed clippers tend to produce more heat and noise, which can be uncomfortable for the horse.

Blade Size

The blade size will determine the length of the coat after clipping. Different blades come in different sizes, and it's essential to choose the right one for your desired clip length.

Clipper Weight

The weight of the clipper is an important consideration, especially if you plan to use it for an extended period. Heavier clippers can cause hand fatigue, making it difficult to achieve a smooth and even clip.

Top Features to Look Out for in a Horse Clipper for Body Clipping

When looking for the best horse clipper for body clipping, there are specific features that you should look out for. Here are some of the top features:

Powerful Motor

A powerful motor is essential for efficient clipping, especially for thicker coats. Look for clippers with pivot or rotary motors for heavy-duty tasks.

Adjustable Speed

Adjustable speed allows you to control the clipper's cutting speed, depending on the horse's coat type and sensitivity. It also reduces the risk of overheating and skin irritation.

Ergonomic Design

An ergonomic design ensures that the clipper is comfortable to hold and reduces hand fatigue during extended use. Look for clippers with a non-slip grip and a balanced weight distribution.

Quiet Operation

Quiet operation reduces the risk of scaring the horse and makes the clipping process less stressful for both you and the horse.

Cooling System

A cooling system is essential for clippers with high-speed motors as they tend to produce more heat. A cooling system prevents the clipper from overheating and reduces the risk of skin irritation.

How to Maintain and Care for Your Horse Clipper for Optimal Performance

Maintaining and caring for your horse clipper is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Here are some tips for maintaining your horse clipper:

Clean After Use

Clean the clipper after every use to remove dirt, hair, and debris that may clog the blades. Use a brush or a soft cloth to wipe off any residue before storing the clipper.

Oil the Blades

Oil the blades regularly to keep them lubricated and prevent rusting. Apply a few drops of oil to the blades after each use, and wipe off any excess oil to prevent it from clogging the blades.

Replace Blades When Necessary

Replace the blades when they become dull or damaged. Dull blades can cause uneven cuts and irritate the horse's skin. It's also essential to use the right blade size for the desired clip length.

Store in a Dry Place

Store the clipper in a dry place to prevent rusting and damage. Avoid storing the clipper in a damp area or exposing it to moisture, which can cause electrical damage.

Comparison of Corded and Cordless Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Choosing between corded and cordless horse clippers depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here's a comparison of corded and cordless horse clippers:

Corded Horse Clippers


  • Consistent power supply
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Ideal for heavy-duty tasks


  • Less portable
  • Can be noisy
  • May overheat with extended use

Cordless Horse Clippers


  • Lightweight and portable
  • Quieter than corded clippers
  • Ideal for travel or outdoor use


  • Battery life may be limited
  • Not suitable for heavy-duty tasks
  • May be more expensive than corded clippers

Expert Recommendations on the Best Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Here are some expert recommendations on the best horse clippers for body clipping:

Andis AGC2

The Andis AGC2 is a heavy-duty corded clipper with a powerful motor and adjustable speed. It has a cool-running design that prevents the clipper from overheating, making it ideal for body clipping. The clipper also has a detachable blade system for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed

The Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed is another heavy-duty corded clipper with a powerful motor. It has two-speed settings that allow you to control the clipper's cutting speed and reduce the risk of overheating. The clipper also has a Cryogen-X blade that stays sharp for longer and requires less sharpening.

Wahl KM10

The Wahl KM10 is a corded clipper with a powerful motor and adjustable speed. It has a lightweight and ergonomic design that makes it comfortable to hold and reduces hand fatigue. The clipper also has a brushless motor that runs cooler and requires less maintenance.

Andis Super AGR+ Rechargeable Clipper

The Andis Super AGR+ is a cordless clipper that offers up to 2 hours of run time on a single charge. It has a powerful rotary motor and adjustable speed, making it ideal for body clipping. The clipper also has a detachable blade system for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Oster Pro 3000i Cordless Clipper

The Oster Pro 3000i is a cordless clipper that offers up to 2 hours of run time on a single charge. It has a powerful rotary motor and adjustable speed, making it ideal for body clipping. The clipper also has a lithium-ion battery that charges quickly and lasts longer than other types of batteries.

Reviews of Top-Rated Horse Clippers for Body Clipping in 2021

Here are some reviews of top-rated horse clippers for body clipping in 2021:

Andis AGC2

The Andis AGC2 is an excellent clipper for body clipping. It's powerful, quiet, and easy to use. The detachable blade system makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze, and the cool-running design prevents the clipper from overheating. - Sarah W.

Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed

The Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed is a fantastic clipper for body clipping. It's powerful, durable, and stays cool even with extended use. The Cryogen-X blade is sharp and requires less sharpening, saving me time and money. - John D.

Wahl KM10

The Wahl KM10 is an excellent clipper for body clipping. It's lightweight, ergonomic, and runs quietly. The brushless motor runs cooler and requires less maintenance, making it a great investment in the long run. - Emily T.

Andis Super AGR+ Rechargeable Clipper

The Andis Super AGR+ is a game-changer for body clipping. It's cordless, which makes it perfect for travel or outdoor use. The rotary motor is powerful and runs quietly, and the detachable blade system makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze. - Mark C.

Oster Pro 3000i Cordless Clipper

The Oster Pro 3000i is an excellent clipper for body clipping. It's cordless, which makes it convenient to use, and the lithium-ion battery lasts longer than other types of batteries. The rotary motor is powerful and runs smoothly, and the adjustable speed allows me to control the clipper's cutting speed. - Samantha R.

Tips for Achieving a Perfect Body Clip with Your Horse Clipper

Achieving a perfect body clip requires skill, patience, and the right tools. Here are some tips for achieving a perfect body clip with your horse clipper:

Prepare the Horse

Before clipping, ensure that the horse is clean, dry, and free of any tangles or mats. Use a brush or comb to remove any dirt or debris, and bathe the horse if necessary.

Choose the Right Blade Size

Choose the right blade size for the desired clip length. Use a shorter blade size for sensitive areas like the face and legs, and a longer blade size for larger areas like the neck and back.

Clip in the Direction of Hair Growth

Clip in the direction of hair growth to achieve an even and smooth clip. Start at the horse's neck and work your way down, using long and even strokes.

Take Breaks

Take breaks frequently to allow the clipper to cool down and prevent skin irritation. Use a brush or cloth to wipe away any clipped hair and debris before continuing.

Finish with Scissors

Finish the clip with scissors to trim any remaining stray hairs and achieve a clean and polished look. Use small and precise cuts to avoid leaving any noticeable lines.

Frequently Asked Questions about Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Here are some frequently asked questions about horse clippers for body clipping:

Can I use human clippers on my horse?

No, you should not use human clippers on your horse. Human clippers are designed for finer and thinner hair and may not be powerful enough to handle a horse's thicker and coarser hair. They can also cause skin irritation and damage to the coat.

How often should I clip my horse?

The frequency of body clipping depends on the horse's coat type and the climate. Horses with thicker coats may require more frequent clipping than horses with lighter coats. It

Best Horse Clippers for Body Clipping: A Comprehensive Guide


Body clipping is an essential grooming practice that every horse owner should undertake at least once a year. Not only does it make your horse look neat and tidy, but it also helps prevent overheating, reduces the risk of skin infections and makes grooming easier. However, to achieve a professional and efficient body clip, you need the best horse clippers. In this article, we will discuss the top horse clippers for body clipping, their pros, cons, and provide a table comparison.

Top Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

1. Andis AGC2 Super 2-Speed Professional Animal Clipper

The Andis AGC2 Super 2-Speed Professional Animal Clipper is a popular choice among horse owners due to its powerful motor and ergonomic design. It comes with two-speed settings, making it suitable for body clipping, trimming and detailing. Additionally, it has a detachable blade system that allows for easy cleaning and changing of blades.

  • Pros:
    • Powerful motor for efficient body clipping
    • Two-speed settings for versatility
    • Ergonomic design for comfortable handling
    • Detachable blade system for easy cleaning and changing of blades
  • Cons:
    • Expensive compared to other horse clippers
    • Loud noise may scare some horses

2. Wahl KM10 Brushless Motor Clipper

The Wahl KM10 Brushless Motor Clipper is another excellent option for body clipping. It features a brushless motor that runs cooler and quieter than traditional clippers, making it ideal for sensitive horses. Additionally, it has a rounded housing that prevents hair clogging and a five-speed setting that allows for customization.

  • Pros:
    • Brushless motor runs cooler and quieter than traditional clippers
    • Rounded housing prevents hair clogging
    • Five-speed setting for customization
    • Ergonomic design for comfortable handling
  • Cons:
    • Expensive compared to other horse clippers
    • Not suitable for heavy-duty clipping

3. Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Professional Animal Clippers

The Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Professional Animal Clippers are a reliable and durable option for body clipping. They come with two-speed settings and a powerful motor that can handle thick coats with ease. Additionally, they have a detachable blade system that allows for easy cleaning and changing of blades.

  • Pros:
    • Powerful motor can handle thick coats
    • Two-speed settings for versatility
    • Detachable blade system for easy cleaning and changing of blades
    • Durable and reliable
  • Cons:
    • Heavy and bulky design
    • Loud noise may scare some horses

Table Comparison

Brand/ModelMotorSpeed SettingsBlade SystemNoise Level
Andis AGC2 Super 2-Speed Professional Animal ClipperPowerful2DetachableLoud
Wahl KM10 Brushless Motor ClipperBrushless5FixedQuiet
Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Professional Animal ClippersPowerful2DetachableLoud


Choosing the best horse clippers for body clipping depends on your preferences and budget. However, the Andis AGC2 Super 2-Speed Professional Animal Clipper, Wahl KM10 Brushless Motor Clipper, and Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Professional Animal Clippers are among the top-rated options in the market. Consider their pros and cons, and make an informed decision that will make your horse grooming experience enjoyable and efficient.

The Best Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

Thank you for taking the time to read about the best horse clippers for body clipping. We hope this article has provided you with valuable information on what to look for when purchasing the right clippers for your horse's needs.

As horse owners, we understand the importance of maintaining our horse's coat throughout the year. Whether it's for show season or just to keep them comfortable during the warmer months, body clipping is essential. However, finding the perfect set of clippers can be overwhelming with so many options available on the market. That's why we've put together this guide to help you choose the best horse clippers for body clipping.

The first thing to consider when choosing horse clippers is the type of blades they come with. Some clippers come with detachable blades that can be changed depending on the length of hair you want to clip. Others come with fixed blades that are designed for a specific length of hair. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the one that will work best for your horse's coat.

Another factor to consider is the motor's power. Clippers with high-powered motors are best suited for thicker coats, while those with lower-powered motors are ideal for lighter coats. It's also important to choose a clipper that's designed for the size of your horse, as larger horses require more powerful clippers to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

When it comes to noise level, it's important to consider your horse's temperament. Loud clippers can be stressful to some horses, so it's best to choose a model that runs quietly if your horse is easily spooked. Additionally, the weight of the clippers can make a significant difference in your comfort level during use. Selecting a lightweight model can help reduce fatigue and make the clipping process more comfortable.

One of the best horse clippers on the market is the Andis Super AGR+ Cordless Clipper. This clipper is designed for heavy-duty use, with a powerful motor that runs quietly and smoothly. The detachable blade system allows you to choose the length of hair you want to clip, making it versatile for different coat types. The cordless design provides flexibility and ease of use, while the lightweight construction reduces hand and wrist fatigue during long sessions.

Another great option is the Oster Golden A5 Two-Speed Animal Clipper. This clipper comes with a powerful two-speed motor that's designed to handle thick coats with ease. The detachable blade system allows you to switch between different lengths of hair, while the heavy-duty construction ensures durability over time. The ergonomic design is comfortable to use, even during extended clipping sessions.

If you're looking for a more affordable option, the Wahl KM10 Brushless Motor Clipper is a great choice. This clipper features a brushless motor that provides a smooth and quiet performance, while the detachable blade system allows you to adjust the length of hair you're clipping. The ergonomic design is comfortable to hold and reduces fatigue during long sessions, making it an excellent option for those on a budget.

Ultimately, the best horse clippers for body clipping will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It's crucial to choose a model that's designed for your horse's coat type and size, as well as a model that runs quietly and comfortably. We hope this guide has helped you in your search for the perfect horse clippers and wish you the best of luck in your clipping endeavors!

People Also Ask About Best Horse Clippers for Body Clipping

What should I consider when buying horse clippers?

When buying horse clippers, you should consider the following:

  • The power of the motor
  • The type of blades
  • The weight and ergonomics of the clipper
  • The noise level
  • The brand's reputation for durability and reliability

What type of blades are best for body clipping?

The type of blades that are best for body clipping are #10 and #15 blades. These blades have a wider gap between the teeth, making them more effective at cutting through thick hair. They also leave a longer length of hair than finer blades, which is important for maintaining a horse's coat during the winter months.

What is the best clipper for body clipping?

The best clipper for body clipping is the Oster A5 Turbo 2-Speed Clipper. This clipper has a powerful motor that can handle the thickest coats, and it comes with #10 blades that are perfect for body clipping. It also has a comfortable grip and ergonomic design that makes it easy to use for extended periods of time.

Should I choose corded or cordless clippers?

It depends on your needs. Corded clippers are generally more powerful and reliable, but they can be less convenient to use if you don't have access to an electrical outlet. Cordless clippers offer greater mobility and flexibility, but they may not have as much power as corded models. If you plan on doing a lot of body clipping, it's probably best to invest in a high-quality corded clipper.

What is the ideal weight for horse clippers?

The ideal weight for horse clippers is between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds. Clippers that are too heavy can cause fatigue and strain on your hand and wrist, while clippers that are too light may not have enough power to cut through thick hair. Look for clippers that are well-balanced and designed with ergonomics in mind to ensure a comfortable and efficient clipping experience.