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Unleashing Victory: Top 5 Best Guns in Call of Duty Black Ops 3

Unleashing Victory: Top 5 Best Guns in Call of Duty Black Ops 3

Discover the ultimate weapon in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 with our guide to the best gun for dominating your opponents on the battlefield.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is one of the most popular first-person shooter games in the world. It has a massive player base and is known for its intense multiplayer matches. When it comes to choosing the best gun, there are many options to choose from. However, some guns are simply better than others. In this article, we will take a look at the best gun in Black Ops 3 and what makes it so effective.

Firstly, let's talk about the Kuda. This submachine gun is one of the most popular weapons in the game. It has a great balance between accuracy and damage, making it perfect for close-range combat. The Kuda also has a fast fire rate, which means you can take down multiple enemies quickly.

Another great gun in Black Ops 3 is the Vesper. This submachine gun is known for its incredible fire rate. It can shred through enemies in seconds, making it a favorite among players who like to get up close and personal. However, the Vesper does have some drawbacks. Its recoil can be difficult to control, and it has a small magazine size.

If you prefer assault rifles, then the HVK-30 is the gun for you. This weapon has a great balance between power and accuracy. It can take down enemies from a distance, but also performs well in close quarters. Additionally, the HVK-30 has a fast reload time, which can be a lifesaver in intense matches.

The Man-O-War is another assault rifle that deserves a mention. This gun has a high damage output and can take down enemies with just a few shots. It also has a long range, which makes it perfect for taking out enemies from a distance. However, the Man-O-War does have a slow fire rate, which means you need to make your shots count.

If you're a fan of sniper rifles, then the SVG-100 is the gun for you. This weapon has incredible accuracy and can take down enemies with just one shot. It's perfect for players who like to hang back and pick off enemies from a distance. The SVG-100 also has a fast ADS time, which means you can scope in quickly and take your shot.

The Dingo is the best LMG in Black Ops 3. This weapon has a high damage output and a large magazine size. It's perfect for players who like to suppress enemies and provide cover fire. Additionally, the Dingo has a low recoil, making it easy to control.

Another great LMG is the Gorgon. This weapon has the highest damage output of any gun in the game. It can take down enemies with just a few shots, making it perfect for players who like to deal massive amounts of damage. However, the Gorgon does have a slow fire rate, which means you need to make your shots count.

The Razorback is a great hybrid weapon that combines the power of an assault rifle with the speed of a submachine gun. This weapon is perfect for players who like to be versatile on the battlefield. It has a great balance between accuracy and damage, making it effective in both close-range and long-range combat.

The Pharo is another hybrid weapon that deserves a mention. This submachine gun has burst fire, which means it fires three shots at once. It's perfect for players who like to deal massive amounts of damage in a short amount of time. Additionally, the Pharo has a fast fire rate, which means you can take down enemies quickly.

In conclusion, the best gun in Black Ops 3 ultimately comes down to personal preference. Each gun has its own strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to you to decide which one fits your playstyle the best. Whether you prefer submachine guns, assault rifles, or sniper rifles, there is a gun in Black Ops 3 that is perfect for you.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is a first-person shooter game that has been one of the most popular games in the gaming industry since its release. The game is known for its multiplayer mode, where players compete against each other using different types of guns. With a wide range of firearms available in the game, it can be challenging to choose the best gun. In this article, we will discuss the best gun in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

The Kuda SMG

The Kuda SMG is one of the most versatile guns in the game, making it an excellent choice for players who are just starting. This gun has a high rate of fire, quick reload time, and excellent accuracy. It also has a low recoil, making it easy to control, even when firing in bursts. The Kuda SMG is ideal for close to medium-range combat and is perfect for players who like to move around the map quickly.

Advantages of Using the Kuda SMG

The Kuda SMG is an excellent gun for players who like to play aggressively. Some of the advantages of using this gun include:

  • High rate of fire
  • Quick reload time
  • Excellent accuracy
  • Low recoil

Disadvantages of Using the Kuda SMG

While the Kuda SMG has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using this gun. These include:

  • Lower damage compared to other guns
  • Less effective at longer ranges
  • Small magazine size

The KN-44 Assault Rifle

The KN-44 Assault Rifle is an excellent choice for players who like to play a more balanced game. This gun has a high damage output, making it ideal for medium to long-range combat. It also has a decent rate of fire and good accuracy, making it a versatile weapon. The KN-44 Assault Rifle is perfect for players who like to stay back and pick off enemies from a distance.

Advantages of Using the KN-44 Assault Rifle

The KN-44 Assault Rifle is one of the best guns in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Some of the advantages of using this gun include:

  • High damage output
  • Decent rate of fire
  • Good accuracy
  • Low recoil

Disadvantages of Using the KN-44 Assault Rifle

The KN-44 Assault Rifle has a few disadvantages, including:

  • Higher recoil than other guns
  • Slower reload time
  • Less effective at close range

The Haymaker 12 Shotgun

If you are looking for a gun that can take down enemies quickly at close range, the Haymaker 12 Shotgun is an excellent choice. This gun has a high damage output and a wide spread, making it easy to hit multiple targets at once. It also has a large magazine size, allowing you to take down multiple enemies without having to reload. The Haymaker 12 Shotgun is perfect for players who like to play aggressively and get up close and personal with their enemies.

Advantages of Using the Haymaker 12 Shotgun

The Haymaker 12 Shotgun is one of the best guns in the game for close-range combat. Some of the advantages of using this gun include:

  • High damage output
  • Wide spread
  • Large magazine size
  • Effective at close range

Disadvantages of Using the Haymaker 12 Shotgun

The Haymaker 12 Shotgun has a few disadvantages that players should be aware of, including:

  • Low accuracy at longer ranges
  • Slow reload time
  • Less effective at medium to long-range combat

The Vesper SMG

The Vesper SMG is a high-risk, high-reward gun that is perfect for players who like to play aggressively. This gun has a very high rate of fire and excellent mobility, making it easy to move around the map quickly. It also has a decent damage output, making it effective at close to medium-range combat. The Vesper SMG is perfect for players who like to rush and take down enemies quickly.

Advantages of Using the Vesper SMG

The Vesper SMG is a unique gun that offers players a high-risk, high-reward playstyle. Some of the advantages of using this gun include:

  • Very high rate of fire
  • Excellent mobility
  • Good damage output
  • Effective at close to medium-range combat

Disadvantages of Using the Vesper SMG

While the Vesper SMG has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using this gun. These include:

  • High recoil
  • Small magazine size
  • Less effective at longer ranges


Choosing the best gun in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 can be challenging, as there are many different types of guns available. The Kuda SMG, KN-44 Assault Rifle, Haymaker 12 Shotgun, and Vesper SMG are some of the best guns in the game, each with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the best gun for you will depend on your playstyle and preferences. Try out different guns and see which one works best for you.

COD Black Ops 3: The Best Gun for Every SituationCall of Duty: Black Ops 3 has been a staple in the first-person shooter genre since its release in 2015. With its fast-paced multiplayer and thrilling storyline, it’s no wonder why players keep coming back for more. However, with so many guns to choose from, it can be overwhelming to figure out which one is the best for your playstyle. In this article, we’ll break down the top picks for each gun category, the best attachments to use, and the perks that complement each gun’s strengths.Assault Rifles: The Top Picks for Versatile GameplayAssault rifles are the go-to guns for most players because they offer versatility in any situation. Whether you’re playing on a large map or in close-quarters combat, assault rifles can handle it all. Here are the top picks for assault rifles in COD Black Ops 3:1. KN-44: This gun is a fan favorite because of its high damage output and accuracy. It’s perfect for medium to long-range engagements and can take down enemies quickly.2. ICR-1: The ICR-1 is another great choice for medium to long-range combat. It has low recoil, making it easy to control, and its high accuracy makes it deadly in the hands of a skilled player.3. HVK-30: The HVK-30 is a well-rounded gun that can handle any situation. Its high rate of fire makes it ideal for close to medium-range combat, while its accuracy allows for precision shooting at longer distances.SMGs: The Fast and Furious Guns for Close-Range CombatSMGs are the perfect guns for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. Their high rate of fire and mobility make them deadly in close-quarters combat. Here are the top picks for SMGs in COD Black Ops 3:1. VMP: The VMP is a popular choice among SMG users because of its high rate of fire and accuracy. It’s perfect for running and gunning in close-quarters combat.2. Kuda: The Kuda is a well-rounded SMG that can handle any situation. Its moderate rate of fire and low recoil make it easy to control, while its high damage output allows for quick takedowns.3. Weevil: The Weevil is another great choice for close-quarters combat. Its large magazine size and high rate of fire allow for extended engagements, while its low recoil makes it easy to handle.LMGs: The Heavy Hitters for Suppressing FireLMGs are the heavy hitters of COD Black Ops 3. They’re perfect for suppressing enemy positions and laying down heavy fire. Here are the top picks for LMGs in COD Black Ops 3:1. Dingo: The Dingo is a popular choice among LMG users because of its high damage output and controllable recoil. It’s perfect for suppressing enemy positions and taking out multiple enemies at once.2. BRM: The BRM is another great choice for LMG users. Its high accuracy and low recoil make it deadly at medium to long-range engagements, while its large magazine size allows for extended engagements.3. Gorgon: The Gorgon is a heavy-hitting LMG that can take down enemies quickly. Its slow rate of fire and high recoil make it difficult to handle, but its high damage output can make it worth the effort.Shotguns: The Devastating Weapons for Up-Close and Personal CombatShotguns are the go-to guns for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. Their high damage output and spread make them deadly in close-quarters combat. Here are the top picks for shotguns in COD Black Ops 3:1. KRM-262: The KRM-262 is a popular choice among shotgun users because of its high damage output and accuracy. It’s perfect for taking out enemies in close-quarters combat.2. Argus: The Argus is a well-rounded shotgun that can handle any situation. Its high accuracy and low recoil make it deadly at medium to long-range engagements, while its high damage output allows for quick takedowns.3. Haymaker 12: The Haymaker 12 is a fully automatic shotgun that can take down enemies quickly. Its high rate of fire and large magazine size make it ideal for extended engagements, while its high damage output can make short work of enemy positions.Sniper Rifles: The Precision Tools for Long-Range EliminationSniper rifles are the precision tools of COD Black Ops 3. They’re perfect for taking out enemies from a distance and eliminating targets with a single shot. Here are the top picks for sniper rifles in COD Black Ops 3:1. SVG-100: The SVG-100 is a popular choice among sniper rifle users because of its high damage output and accuracy. It’s perfect for taking out enemies from a distance and eliminating key targets.2. Locus: The Locus is another great choice for sniper rifle users. Its high accuracy and low recoil make it deadly at long-range engagements, while its high damage output allows for quick takedowns.3. Drakon: The Drakon is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that can take down enemies quickly. Its high rate of fire and accuracy make it deadly in the hands of a skilled player, while its low recoil makes it easy to control.Pistols: The Trusty Sidearms for Backup FirepowerPistols are the trusty sidearms of COD Black Ops 3. They’re perfect for backup firepower when your primary weapon runs out of ammo. Here are the top picks for pistols in COD Black Ops 3:1. RK5: The RK5 is a popular choice among pistol users because of its high rate of fire and accuracy. It’s perfect for taking out enemies at close range.2. L-CAR 9: The L-CAR 9 is another great choice for pistol users. Its high rate of fire and low recoil make it deadly at close to medium-range engagements, while its large magazine size allows for extended engagements.3. MR6: The MR6 is a well-rounded pistol that can handle any situation. Its high accuracy and low recoil make it deadly at medium to long-range engagements, while its high damage output allows for quick takedowns.Special Weapons: The Unique Guns That Pack a PunchSpecial weapons are unique guns that pack a punch in COD Black Ops 3. They’re perfect for players who like to mix things up and try something new. Here are the top picks for special weapons in COD Black Ops 3:1. XM-53: The XM-53 is a rocket launcher that can take down enemy scorestreaks and groups of enemies with a single shot. It’s perfect for players who want to help their team by taking out enemy scorestreaks.2. Shadowclaw: The Shadowclaw is a crossbow that fires explosive bolts. Its high damage output and splash damage make it deadly in the hands of a skilled player.3. Ballistic Knife: The Ballistic Knife is a knife that can be thrown at enemies for a one-hit kill. It’s perfect for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies.Best Attachments: Enhance Your Gun to Suit Your PlaystyleAttachments are a great way to enhance your gun to suit your playstyle. They can increase accuracy, reduce recoil, and improve handling. Here are the best attachments to use in COD Black Ops 3:1. Quickdraw: Quickdraw allows you to aim down sights faster, making it easier to take down enemies quickly.2. Grip: Grip reduces recoil, making it easier to control your gun and hit your targets.3. Extended Mag: Extended Mag increases your magazine size, allowing for extended engagements without needing to reload.Best Perks to Complement Your Gun’s StrengthsPerks are another great way to complement your gun’s strengths. They can increase your mobility, reduce your visibility, and improve your accuracy. Here are the best perks to use in COD Black Ops 3:1. Ghost: Ghost hides you from enemy UAVs, making it harder for them to track you down.2. Scavenger: Scavenger allows you to replenish your ammo from fallen enemies, ensuring that you always have enough ammo to take down your targets.3. Dead Silence: Dead Silence reduces your footsteps, making it harder for enemies to hear you coming.Gun Customization: Make Your Gun Stand out on the BattlefieldGun customization is a great way to make your gun stand out on the battlefield. You can change the camo, add attachments, and even customize the reticle. Here are some tips for gun customization in COD Black Ops 3:1. Choose a camo that suits your playstyle. If you like to be stealthy, choose a camo that blends in with the environment. If you like to stand out, choose a bright, eye-catching camo.2. Experiment with different attachments to find the ones that work best for you. Some attachments may work better for close-quarters combat, while others may work better for long-range engagements.3. Customize the reticle to suit your playstyle. If you like precision shooting, choose a reticle that allows for pinpoint accuracy. If you like to spray and pray, choose a reticle that covers a larger area.In conclusion, COD Black Ops 3 has a gun for every situation. Whether you prefer assault rifles for versatility, SMGs for close-quarters combat, LMGs for suppressing fire, shotguns for up-close and personal combat, sniper rifles for long-range elimination, pistols for backup firepower, or special weapons for something unique, there’s a gun that will suit your playstyle. With the right attachments, perks, and gun customization, you can take your gameplay to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start dominating the battlefield!

Point of View: The Best Gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3

The Best Gun:

After playing Call of Duty Black Ops 3 for many hours and experimenting with various guns, my personal favorite is the VMP submachine gun. It has a high rate of fire, good accuracy, and is deadly at close range.


  • High rate of fire
  • Good accuracy
  • Deadly at close range
  • Quick reload time
  • Unlockable attachments make it even more versatile


  • Not as effective at longer ranges
  • Can be difficult to control recoil
  • May struggle against enemies using assault rifles or snipers


To compare the VMP to other popular guns in Call of Duty Black Ops 3, I have created a table below:

Guns Pros Cons
VMP High rate of fire, good accuracy, deadly at close range, quick reload time, unlockable attachments make it even more versatile Not as effective at longer ranges, can be difficult to control recoil, may struggle against enemies using assault rifles or snipers
Kuda Good accuracy, moderate rate of fire, decent damage Not as powerful as other submachine guns, slow reload time
KN-44 Good accuracy, high damage, versatile in different game modes Slow rate of fire, heavy recoil, slow reload time
M8A7 High accuracy, fast rate of fire, good damage Difficult to control recoil, long reload time

Ultimately, the best gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 is a matter of personal preference and playstyle. However, the VMP submachine gun has proven to be a reliable and deadly weapon for me throughout my gameplay experience.

The Best Gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 – A Comprehensive Guide

Guns are the backbone of Call of Duty Black Ops 3, and choosing the right one can make all the difference in the game. There are several guns available in the game, each with its own unique stats and features. However, it can be challenging to determine which gun is the best for you. In this article, we've compiled a comprehensive guide on the best gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3.

The best gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 is subjective, as different players have different play styles and preferences. However, we've narrowed down the list to the top three guns that are versatile and perform well in various situations. These guns are the VMP, KN-44, and M8A7.

The VMP is an SMG that has excellent mobility and high fire rate. It's perfect for close-range combat, and its low recoil makes it easy to handle. The KN-44 is an AR that has high damage and accuracy, making it ideal for medium to long-range combat. Finally, the M8A7 is a burst-fire tactical rifle that has high damage and accuracy, making it ideal for players who prefer a slower pace.

Before we dive into the details of these guns, let's discuss the factors you should consider when choosing a gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3.

The first factor to consider is your play style. If you're an aggressive player who likes to rush into the battle, you'll want a gun with high mobility and fire rate. On the other hand, if you prefer a more passive play style, you'll want a gun with high accuracy and damage.

The second factor to consider is the game mode you're playing. Different game modes require different play styles, and consequently, different guns. For example, in objective-based game modes like Domination and Hardpoint, you'll want a gun that can perform well in both close and long-range combat.

The third factor to consider is your skill level. If you're new to the game, you'll want a gun that's easy to handle and forgiving. On the other hand, if you're an experienced player, you'll want a gun that rewards accuracy and skill.

Now, let's dive into the details of the top three guns in Call of Duty Black Ops 3.


The VMP is an SMG that has excellent mobility and high fire rate. It's perfect for close-range combat, and its low recoil makes it easy to handle. The VMP is one of the most popular guns in the game, and for a good reason. It's versatile and performs well in various situations.

The VMP has a fire rate of 937 rounds per minute, making it one of the fastest guns in the game. It also has a quick reload time, which allows you to get back into the action quickly. The VMP's low recoil makes it easy to control, even when firing in full auto mode.

The VMP's downsides are its low damage and range. It's not ideal for medium to long-range combat, and it can take several shots to kill an enemy at longer distances. However, if you're an aggressive player who likes to rush into the battle, the VMP is an excellent choice.


The KN-44 is an AR that has high damage and accuracy, making it ideal for medium to long-range combat. It's one of the most popular ARs in the game, and for a good reason. It's versatile and performs well in various situations.

The KN-44 has a fire rate of 535 rounds per minute, which is slower than the VMP but still fast enough to be effective. It also has a quick reload time, which allows you to get back into the action quickly. The KN-44's high accuracy makes it easy to hit targets at long distances, and its high damage means you can take down enemies with just a few shots.

The KN-44's downsides are its low mobility and high recoil. It's not ideal for close-range combat, and its high recoil can make it difficult to control, especially when firing in full auto mode. However, if you're a player who prefers a more passive play style, the KN-44 is an excellent choice.


The M8A7 is a burst-fire tactical rifle that has high damage and accuracy, making it ideal for players who prefer a slower pace. It's one of the most popular tactical rifles in the game, and for a good reason. It's versatile and performs well in various situations.

The M8A7 has a fire rate of 625 rounds per minute, which is faster than other tactical rifles in the game. It also has a quick reload time, which allows you to get back into the action quickly. The M8A7's burst-fire mode means that you can take down enemies with just a few well-placed shots, and its high accuracy makes it easy to hit targets at long distances.

The M8A7's downsides are its low mobility and burst-fire mode. It's not ideal for close-range combat, and its burst-fire mode can make it difficult to control, especially when firing at moving targets. However, if you're a player who prefers a slower pace and rewards accuracy and skill, the M8A7 is an excellent choice.

In conclusion, choosing the best gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 depends on your play style, the game mode you're playing, and your skill level. The VMP, KN-44, and M8A7 are the top three guns in the game, but each gun has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's up to you to determine which gun is the best for you. We hope this guide has helped you choose the best gun in Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Good luck out there!

People Also Ask About COD Black Ops 3 Best Gun

What is the best gun in Black Ops 3?

The best gun in Black Ops 3 can vary depending on personal preference and gameplay style. However, some of the most popular options include:

  • KN-44 assault rifle: a versatile weapon with good accuracy and damage.
  • VMP submachine gun: a fast-firing weapon with high mobility.
  • M8A7 assault rifle: a burst-fire weapon with good accuracy and damage.
  • Kuda submachine gun: a reliable weapon with good accuracy and range.

What is the best sniper rifle in Black Ops 3?

The best sniper rifle in Black Ops 3 is the SVG-100. It has high damage and accuracy, making it deadly in the right hands. However, it requires good aim and positioning to be effective.

What is the best shotgun in Black Ops 3?

The best shotgun in Black Ops 3 is the KRM-262. It has high damage and range for a shotgun, making it effective in close-quarters combat. However, it has a slow fire rate and requires precision aiming.

What is the best LMG in Black Ops 3?

The best LMG in Black Ops 3 is the Dingo. It has good accuracy and damage, as well as a large magazine size. It is also relatively lightweight compared to other LMGs, making it more mobile.

What is the best pistol in Black Ops 3?

The best pistol in Black Ops 3 is the RK5. It has a high fire rate and good accuracy, making it deadly in close-quarters combat. It can also be equipped with attachments to increase its effectiveness.

What is the best melee weapon in Black Ops 3?

The best melee weapon in Black Ops 3 is the Combat Knife. It allows for quick and silent kills, as well as the ability to lunge at enemies from a distance. It is also lightweight and does not take up a weapon slot.