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Top 10 Tales from the Darkside Episodes to Keep You Up at Night: A Must Watch for Horror Fans

Top 10 Tales from the Darkside Episodes to Keep You Up at Night: A Must Watch for Horror Fans

Get ready for some spine-chilling horror as we explore the best episodes from Tales from the Darkside, featuring ghouls, ghosts, and all things creepy!

Tales from the Darkside is a horror anthology television series that aired during the 1980s. It featured a collection of spine-chilling stories that are sure to give you nightmares. The show has become a cult classic and is still remembered by horror fans for its thrilling and suspenseful episodes.

One of the best things about this show was its ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The episodes were filled with unexpected twists and turns that would leave audiences gasping in shock and terror.

One of the most memorable episodes was Inside the Closet. This episode tells the story of a young boy who discovers a mysterious closet in his new home. As he begins to explore the closet, he realizes that it is a gateway to another dimension. The episode is a masterclass in building tension and suspense, and the ending will leave you horrified.

Another standout episode is The Word Processor of the Gods. This episode follows a struggling writer who discovers a magical word processor that allows him to change reality. However, as he begins to use the device, he realizes that the power comes at a great cost. The episode is a haunting exploration of the dangers of unchecked power and the consequences of our deepest desires.

The Last Car is another fan-favorite episode. The story follows a group of strangers who become trapped on a train that seems to be going nowhere. As they begin to realize that they may never escape, tensions rise, and secrets are revealed. The episode is a claustrophobic nightmare that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

One of the things that made Tales from the Darkside so special was its ability to tell a complete story in just 30 minutes. Each episode was like a mini-movie, with its own unique characters, plot, and twist ending.

The show also featured some of the most talented writers and directors in the horror genre. Stephen King, Clive Barker, and George A. Romero were just a few of the big names who contributed to the series.

Another standout episode is The Devil's Advocate. This episode tells the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for wealth and power. However, as he begins to enjoy his new life, he realizes that the price he paid was too high. The episode is a chilling reminder of the dangers of greed and the consequences of our actions.

Slippage is another unforgettable episode. The story follows a man who begins to experience strange lapses in time. As he tries to unravel the mystery of what is happening to him, he realizes that he may be losing his grip on reality. The episode is a mind-bending journey into the unknown and will leave you questioning everything.

Overall, Tales from the Darkside is a must-watch for horror fans. Its unique blend of suspense, terror, and twisted storytelling will keep you coming back for more. So turn off the lights, grab some popcorn, and prepare to be scared out of your wits.

Tales from the Darkside: The Best Episodes Without Title

If you’re a fan of horror anthology shows, then you’ve probably already watched “Tales from the Darkside”. This show ran from 1983 to 1988 and was created by George A. Romero. It had a total of four seasons and over 90 episodes. Here are some of the best episodes without title:

The First Episode

The very first episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is arguably one of the best. It’s about a woman who comes home to find a package on her doorstep. Inside the package is a small statue of a gargoyle. As she tries to get rid of the statue, strange things start happening around her house. This episode sets the tone for the entire series and shows just how creepy and unsettling it can be.

The Second Episode

The second episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is another great one. It’s about a man who becomes obsessed with the idea of living forever. He finds a book that promises him eternal life, but the price he must pay is high. This episode is a cautionary tale about the dangers of wanting too much and the consequences of greed.

The Third Episode

The third episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is one of the most terrifying. It’s about a woman who wakes up in a strange room with no memory of how she got there. As she tries to escape, she realizes that she’s trapped in a nightmare world where nothing is as it seems. This episode is a masterclass in suspense and will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

The Fourth Episode

The fourth episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a classic ghost story. It’s about a family who moves into an old mansion that’s haunted by the ghost of a young girl. As they try to uncover the truth about the ghost, they discover that the past is never truly gone and that sometimes the dead can come back to haunt the living.

The Fifth Episode

The fifth episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a chilling tale about a man who becomes obsessed with a mysterious woman. As he tries to uncover her secrets, he realizes that she may not be human at all. This episode is a great example of how “Tales from the Darkside” can take a familiar horror trope and turn it on its head.

The Sixth Episode

The sixth episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a twisted love story. It’s about a man who falls in love with a woman who is actually a witch. As their relationship becomes more intense, he realizes that he may have made a deal with the devil. This episode is a great example of how “Tales from the Darkside” can mix horror and romance to create something truly unique.

The Seventh Episode

The seventh episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a psychological thriller. It’s about a woman who is being stalked by a mysterious figure. As she tries to uncover the identity of her stalker, she realizes that the real danger may be closer than she thinks. This episode is a great example of how “Tales from the Darkside” can use suspense and tension to create a truly terrifying experience.

The Eighth Episode

The eighth episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a supernatural mystery. It’s about a man who is trying to uncover the truth about a mysterious creature that’s been killing people in his town. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he realizes that the creature may be more than just a legend. This episode is a great example of how “Tales from the Darkside” can take a familiar horror trope and add its own unique twist.

The Ninth Episode

The ninth episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a classic horror story. It’s about a group of friends who decide to spend the night in a haunted house. As they explore the creepy old mansion, they realize that they may not be alone. This episode is a great example of how “Tales from the Darkside” can take a simple premise and turn it into something truly terrifying.

The Tenth Episode

The tenth episode of “Tales from the Darkside” is a dark comedy. It’s about a man who accidentally kills his wife and tries to cover up the crime. As he tries to hide the evidence, he realizes that he may not be as clever as he thought. This episode is a great example of how “Tales from the Darkside” can mix horror and humor to create something truly unique.


“Tales from the Darkside” is a classic horror anthology show that has stood the test of time. These episodes without title are just a few examples of the amazing stories that this show has to offer. Whether you’re a fan of ghosts, witches, or monsters, there’s something for everyone in “Tales from the Darkside”.

Tales from the Darkside is a horror anthology series that aired from 1983 to 1988. The show was known for its spine-tingling tales of terror, each with its own unique twist. With a total of 90 episodes, it's no surprise that some stand out more than others. In this article, we will explore the 10 best episodes of Tales from the Darkside.

The episode that made audiences fear their own shadows

The first episode on our list is Inside the Closet from season one. This episode tells the story of a young boy named Timmy who is afraid of the dark. His mother tells him that there is nothing to fear and that his imagination is playing tricks on him. However, when Timmy discovers a monster living in his closet, he realizes that his fears were justified.

What makes this episode so terrifying is the fact that it preys on a common childhood fear. Many of us can relate to being afraid of the dark at some point in our lives. Inside the Closet takes that fear to the next level by making the monster tangible and real. It's an episode that will make you think twice before turning off the lights at night.

A tale of a cursed object that brings terror to its owner

Next up is The Milkman Cometh from season two. This episode revolves around a milkman who delivers a mysterious jug of milk to a family every day. The milk is cursed and brings about a series of terrifying events for the family.

What makes this episode so effective is the slow build-up of tension. At first, the milkman seems harmless enough, but as the family starts to experience strange occurrences, it becomes clear that something sinister is at play. The cursed milk is a unique and unsettling concept that will leave you feeling uneasy long after the episode is over.

A story of a woman who discovers a horrifying secret in her family's past

The Unhappy Medium from season four tells the story of a woman named Claire who discovers that her deceased aunt was a psychic medium. As she delves deeper into her family's history, she uncovers a horrifying secret that threatens to destroy her.

This episode is notable for its exploration of family secrets and the power they hold over us. The idea that something from the past can come back to haunt us is a common theme in horror, but The Unhappy Medium executes it brilliantly. It's a chilling reminder that sometimes the people we love the most are hiding dark secrets.

An episode that explores the terrifying consequences of playing with dark magic

Season two's Halloween Candy follows a group of trick-or-treaters who stumble upon a mysterious house. Inside, they find a witch who offers them candy in exchange for their souls. The children soon realize that the candy is cursed and that they have unwittingly made a deal with the devil.

This episode is a cautionary tale about the dangers of playing with dark magic. The children are lured in by the promise of candy, but they quickly realize that there are consequences to their actions. Halloween Candy is a reminder that sometimes the things we want the most can come at a steep price.

A tale of a haunted house that leaves its residents permanently scarred

Levitation from season one is a classic haunted house story. It follows a couple who move into a new home only to discover that it's haunted by a vengeful spirit. The ghost uses levitation to terrorize the couple, leaving them permanently scarred both emotionally and physically.

What sets this episode apart is the way it portrays the haunting. The levitation scenes are particularly unnerving, and the couple's fear feels palpable. Levitation is a reminder that sometimes the scariest thing about a haunted house isn't what goes bump in the night, but the lasting impact it can have on those who live there.

A story of a man who makes a deal with the devil and pays a steep price

Season three's The Geezenstacks follows a man named Tom who makes a deal with the devil to become rich and successful. However, as his success grows, so does the price he must pay.

This episode is a classic tale of temptation and the dangers of making deals with the devil. Tom's greed ultimately leads to his downfall, and the twist ending is sure to leave viewers feeling uneasy. The Geezenstacks is a cautionary tale that reminds us that sometimes the things we think we want can lead us down a dark path.

An episode that showcases the dangerous power of obsession and revenge

The Cutty Black Sow from season two tells the story of a farmer who becomes obsessed with getting revenge on a rival. His obsession leads him to make a deal with a witch, but the price he must pay is much higher than he anticipated.

One of the standout elements of this episode is the atmosphere. The rural setting and use of folklore add to the sense of dread and unease. The Cutty Black Sow is a reminder that revenge can be a dangerous game and that sometimes the cost is too high to bear.

A tale of a cursed town that must face its dark past to survive

The Word Processor of the Gods from season one follows a man who discovers a word processor that can change reality. He uses it to create a new life for himself and his family, but soon realizes that the town he lives in is cursed. In order to break the curse, he must face the dark past of his ancestors.

This episode is notable for its exploration of the power of storytelling and the consequences of ignoring the past. The idea that the sins of the past can come back to haunt us is a common theme in horror, but The Word Processor of the Gods puts a unique spin on it. It's a reminder that sometimes the only way to move forward is to confront the past.

A story of a woman haunted by her own past and the demons within

Season two's The Devil's Advocate tells the story of a woman named Mary who is haunted by her past. As she tries to outrun her demons, she realizes that they are always one step ahead of her.

What sets this episode apart is the psychological horror it portrays. Mary's fear and paranoia feel all too real, and the twist ending is sure to leave viewers reeling. The Devil's Advocate is a reminder that sometimes the scariest monsters are the ones that live inside us.

An episode that proves that sometimes the scariest monsters are the ones that live inside us

Last but not least is The Last Car from season one. This episode follows a group of passengers who become stranded on a train with a mysterious stranger. As they try to survive, they realize that the stranger is not what he seems.

What makes this episode so effective is the way it plays with the viewer's expectations. The twist ending is unexpected and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that sometimes the scariest monsters are the ones we create ourselves. The Last Car is a standout episode that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.

In conclusion, Tales from the Darkside remains a classic horror series that has stood the test of time. These 10 episodes showcase the best of what the show has to offer, from spine-tingling scares to thought-provoking themes. Whether you're a horror fan or just looking for a good scare, these episodes are sure to deliver.

Tales from the Darkside: Best Episodes

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, based on the opinions and reviews of fans and critics, Tales from the Darkside is considered as one of the most iconic horror anthology series of all time. The show features a collection of spine-tingling stories that are guaranteed to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.


  • The series has a solid lineup of talented writers and directors, including George A. Romero, Stephen King, and Clive Barker.
  • The episodes are well-crafted and showcase excellent production value, with impressive visuals, sound design, and special effects.
  • The show successfully combines horror, suspense, and dark humor, which makes it appealing to a wide range of audiences.
  • The series has become a cult classic and has influenced many other horror shows and movies that came after it.


  • Some episodes may feel dated or predictable, especially for audiences who are used to modern horror storytelling techniques.
  • Not all episodes are created equal, and some may fall short in terms of plot, pacing, and execution.
  • The show's low budget and limited resources may be noticeable in certain episodes, which could affect the overall viewing experience.

Table Comparison/Information about Tales from the Darkside

Aspect Details
Genre Horror Anthology Series
Original Network Syndicated
Original Release 1983-1988
Total Episodes 90
Created By George A. Romero
Notable Writers and Directors Stephen King, Clive Barker, Tom Savini, Michael McDowell, and many more
Legacy Became a cult classic and inspired many other horror shows and movies, including The Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, and American Horror Story.
In conclusion, Tales from the Darkside offers a collection of chilling tales that are sure to satisfy horror fans. While some episodes may feel dated or lackluster, the show's strengths in storytelling, production, and creativity make it a must-watch for anyone who loves the horror genre.

Tales from the Darkside: Best Episodes

Hello there, fellow horror lovers! If you're looking for some spine-chilling tales that will keep you up at night, then you've come to the right place. Tales from the Darkside is a classic horror anthology series that aired from 1983 to 1988. It featured some of the best horror stories ever told on television and has become a cult favorite among horror fans.

In this article, we'll be taking a look at some of the best episodes from Tales from the Darkside. We'll explore the plot, the characters, and what made these episodes so terrifying. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

The first episode on our list is Trick or Treat. This episode is perfect for Halloween and tells the story of a greedy man who refuses to give candy to trick-or-treaters. He soon learns the hard way that there are consequences for being stingy. The episode features some great practical effects and has a satisfying twist ending.

Next up is Inside the Closet. This episode is about a little girl who discovers a monster living in her closet. The monster promises not to harm her as long as she keeps him fed. However, things take a dark turn when the girl's parents find out about the monster. Inside the Closet is a great example of how Tales from the Darkside can take something as innocent as a child's fear of monsters and turn it into something terrifying.

The Milkman Cometh is another episode that is sure to leave you feeling uneasy. The episode tells the story of a milkman who delivers milk to a small town. However, the milk he delivers has some unusual properties that cause the townspeople to act strangely. The episode has a great sense of atmosphere and is one of the more memorable episodes from the series.

If you're a fan of haunted house stories, then you'll love The Last Car. This episode is about a man who gets stranded in a small town and takes refuge in an abandoned mansion. However, he soon discovers that the mansion is haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants. The Last Car is a great example of how Tales from the Darkside can take a familiar horror trope and put its own unique spin on it.

The New Man is a twisted episode that explores the idea of what it means to be human. The episode tells the story of a man who undergoes experimental surgery to become more efficient. However, the surgery has some unintended consequences that turn the man into something less than human. The New Man is a great example of how Tales from the Darkside can be both thought-provoking and terrifying.

If you're a fan of Stephen King's work, then you'll love The Word Processor of the Gods. This episode is based on a short story by Stephen King and tells the story of a man who discovers that his word processor has the power to alter reality. The episode has some great performances and is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre.

The Devil's Advocate is another episode that explores the idea of making deals with the devil. The episode tells the story of a man who makes a deal with the devil to become a successful writer. However, the devil's price is higher than he anticipated. The Devil's Advocate is a great example of how Tales from the Darkside can take a familiar horror trope and make it fresh and exciting.

The Cutty Black Sow is a creepy episode that is sure to give you nightmares. The episode tells the story of a family who moves into a new house and discovers that it is haunted by a malevolent spirit. The episode has some great practical effects and is one of the more atmospheric episodes from the series.

The Odds is a suspenseful episode that explores the idea of fate. The episode tells the story of a man who makes a bet with the devil that he can survive a deadly game of chance. The episode has some great twists and turns and is a must-watch for fans of the horror genre.

Last but not least, we have Grandma's Last Wish. This episode is about a family who inherits a cursed artifact from their grandmother. The artifact has the power to grant wishes, but at a terrible cost. Grandma's Last Wish is a great example of how Tales from the Darkside can take something as innocent as a wish-granting object and turn it into something terrifying.

And there you have it, folks. These are just a few of the best episodes from Tales from the Darkside. If you're a fan of horror anthologies, then this series is definitely worth checking out. With its memorable characters, terrifying stories, and great practical effects, it's no wonder that Tales from the Darkside has become a cult classic.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that it has inspired you to check out some of the best episodes from Tales from the Darkside. Happy watching!

People Also Ask About Tales from the Darkside Best Episodes

What is Tales from the Darkside?

Tales from the Darkside is a horror and suspense anthology television series that aired from 1983 to 1988. It was created by George A. Romero and was inspired by the classic horror comic books of the 1950s.

What are the best episodes of Tales from the Darkside?

1. The New Man (Season 1, Episode 1)

This episode follows a man who undergoes a radical surgery to become a new person, only to find himself haunted by his past self.

2. Inside the Closet (Season 1, Episode 6)

In this episode, a young boy discovers a monster living in his closet, but no one believes him.

3. The Geezenstacks (Season 2, Episode 13)

This episode tells the story of a wealthy family who hires a strange governess for their children, only to discover that she has sinister intentions.

4. A Case of the Stubborns (Season 3, Episode 7)

When an elderly couple refuse to die, their family must deal with the consequences of their stubbornness.

5. The Milkman Cometh (Season 4, Episode 1)

In this episode, a group of friends discover that the milkman is delivering more than just milk.

Is Tales from the Darkside worth watching?

If you are a fan of horror and suspense, then yes, Tales from the Darkside is definitely worth watching. It is a classic anthology series that features some of the best horror stories of its time.

Where can I watch Tales from the Darkside?

Tales from the Darkside is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video and Hulu. It is also available on DVD and Blu-ray.